苏州中国国际旅行社有限责任公司成立于一九五六年,是苏州市较早从事外事接待任务的国际旅行社。目前,公司已发展成为集入境旅游、出境旅游、国内旅游、旅游设施建设开发、宾馆饭店管理于一身的知名旅游企业,拥有包括13名中级导游和12名导游在内的中、英、日、德、法、意、西、俄、印尼语种共80余名专职导游。近五十年来,苏州中国国际旅行社有限责任公司累计接待海内外旅游者300多万。因成绩卓著,公司连续七年被旅游局授予“全国百强国际旅行社”荣誉称号、首批“江苏省诚信旅行社”之一,《中国旅游报》评定的“全国旅游”。 苏州国旅具备完善的电脑管理网络和实力雄厚的导游队伍,并已加入美国运通国际休闲旅游电脑预订系统,为海内外旅游者观光旅游提供服务创造了条件,同时能够满足客人商务旅游、特殊旅游和国际会议及会后旅游。 苏州国旅是经旅游局批准经营中国公民自费出国旅游业务的旅行社,其经营中的新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、埃及、南非、香港、澳门等三十个和地区的旅游线路,已成为苏州市民出境旅游的。 苏州国旅国内部精选“海南之旅”、“北国风光”、“丝绸之路”、“吴中博览”等旅游线路一百余条,受到新老客户的欢迎。同时,还承办会务、商务、考察等特色服务。 苏州国旅票务中心是本公司的重要窗口之一,通过与苏州火车站电脑售票处联网,确保软席、硬卧、硬座票,在苏州享有较高声誉。其服务宗旨,质量,宾客至上,电话订票,送票上门。 苏州中国国际旅行社有限责任公司以友好、守信、热忱和周到为服务宗旨,殷切地期望着国内外同仁的真诚合作,发展业务往来。 A Brief Introduction to Suzhou China International Travel Service Co.,Ltd(SuzhouCITS) Suzhou CITS,set up in 1956, is the earliest international travel service in hosting inbound over seas tourists in Suzhou, Suzhou CITS is a well-known enterprise authorized to operate inbound and outbound travel, domestic travel, exploitation and construction of tourist resources and facilities and management of tourist hotle. Suahou CITS has more than 80 professional guides speaking Chinese, English, Japanese, German, French,Italian,Spanish,Russian and Indonesian. Among them,12 have the title of senior tour guides, several dozens the title of middle-level tour guides. In the past 50 yeas, Suzhou CITS has hosted in accumulative more than three million tourists, and therefore won the title of "National Hundred Top International Travel Services " in succession in the past 7 years issued by the national administration of tourism. Suzhou CITS is also one of the first batch of "Honest and Creditable Travel Services in Jiangsu Province" and a well know brand in tourist industry assessed by CHINA TOURISM NEWS. Suzhou CITS has a perfect computer management network and has joined the international leisure and aboard with high quality service and meet the needs of those doing busine、、、 ...展开
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